Tuesday 26 September 2017

The BOHH Breakdown, Part 4: The BOHH Security Solution in Action

In our last post, we talked about the philosophy behind our security approach. We believe actions speak louder than words, so today, we will offer a closer look at how our solution works in action and set the scene for a real-life example of how our security can fit in to today’s business operations. 

Using a sample manufacturing IoT example below, we will show how BOHH enables users to search securely across multiple databases and repositories using voice and text commands to find information quickly, enhancing workflow and saving time and money.
Combining our BOHH Labs Secure Federated Search application with our Secure BOHH(T) Bot application, running through SAP HANA Express and Google Cloud Platform, we will show how users can not only find data and documents in a secure way off their cloud services, but also to ask the devices they are working on to find and return specific information they are looking for in real-time.

The IoT Manufacturing Scenario

For this scenario, we are using an engineer, Bobby, going on a monthly maintenance visit to an oilrig in the Gulf of Mexico to perform maintenance on a mechanical device using a hand-held device from Samsung that allows him hands-free ability to access all the data needed to deliver maintenance on a device that needs service in real-time.  Previously Bobby used a ruggedized laptop or tablet which needed space to open and sit securely on his maintenance visit which is often in an area with confined/limited space. 

  1. Before starting the maintenance service, Bobby connects to the BOHH Labs application onsite at the oilrig, and using the equipment serial number, asks BOHH to find a drawing of the equipment document repository so he can see the exact location of the part that needs service, as well as the data from the last person who serviced the part and what service was completed. 
  2. BOHH securely accesses the maintenance databases, the sensor database, stock inventory etc. in real-time and returns the requested data to Bobby using a patented encryption method and AI technology to manage ports, maintain a secure connection and interact with the user’s requests.
  3. Now that Bobby has received repository doc to know exactly where the part is located and what service has been previously done to it, Bobby can begin his maintenance check. He can also continue to ask BOHH to connect him with information needed throughout the servicing of the device until it is completed. 
  4. After the servicing is completed, Bobby communicates with the BOHH application and provides an update on what service he did, which automatically goes back into the database to record the service.
  5. Based on the work he performed, Bobby also orders a replacement part directly through the stock inventory app while onsite for pick up at the local depot, avoiding future wasted maintenance visits elsewhere. 

Using BOHH, Bobby does all of this in real-time – eliminating time wasted looking for data before and at the site. More importantly, because parts are ordered pro-actively, BOHH enables the oilrig to minimize business disruption through lost production time.

This example highlights how BOHH can streamline tasks that require real-time data access and streamline workflow without the worry of third-party intervention and hacking, time-wasted looking for data or even loss of data all together.

BOHH was recently announced as a winner of the Intelligent App Challenge, sponsored by SAP & Google Cloud, based on our secure voice-activated search solution documented above. 

To see a demo of the above scenario on how BOHH Labs’ app works, click here.

This week we are attending and participating in SAP TechEd 2017, and we will be offering demos throughout the event. If you would like to learn more on how our technology works, you can also visit us at www.bohh.io for more information.

Now that we’ve taken a deeper dive into how BOHH’s solution can not only fit into a real-life business operation workflow, but also improve the security, transport and access of data, check back in next Tuesday to learn more on how BOHH enhances productivity with ease of implementation.

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