Tuesday 19 September 2017

The BOHH Breakdown Part 3: The Philosophy Behind Our Data Security Approach

In the last post, we talked about why BOHH Labs is the next step in securing your organization. Today, we will be discussing the philosophy behind our security approach and how our approach provides greater security than other existing technologies.

Our security approach is built on four principles that we believe are important to adhere to:

  • Usability. The result must be practical and usable, not just another thesis based on theoretical knowledge.
  • Practical. The outcome must be able to be put in to a practical use without too much disturbance to existing systems and leveraging existing database investments.
  • Ownership. The data we were looking to protect initially was usernames, passwords, address details, etc. In other words, data that belongs to us as an individual. So, we set out to make sure that the data not only belonged to us as users and individuals, but that we as individuals were also responsible for its safe keeping. Not that we wanted to pass the onus of the protection away from the organization charged with storing the data, but that, that organization should not be held responsible for the misuse of the data, and they should not be able to access the raw data that a user has requested should be made anonymous.
  • Accessible. From the outset, we decided that having data secured was useless, unless it was also accessible to the data owner. This meant that one of our main goals was to make sure that this data was also searchable.

With these four main points as our foundation, we started looking at how BOHH could improve the entire approach to data security. Our first focus was to address how hacks on data were being carried out. There are a lot of different scenarios, and at the time we were not looking to protect data from every single one, but we were interested in what made it possible for an unauthorized person, or an authorized person with bad intentions, capable of not just extracting the data but also rendering what was seen as encrypted data in to readable and usable text. This was the most important question to be answered, and the answer to which would give us our starting point.
How BOHH Works

With the driving force centered around what made it possible for unauthorized users to get access to “secure” data and use it for exploits, we developed a unique formula using encryption and Artificial Intelligence technologies to protect data and infrastructures from within and invalidate data when accessed by unauthorized users, rendering it useless to the unauthorized party. How does this work?

  1. BOHH cuts off the request from its originator as it enters the system
  2. BOHH then creates a session of containerized encrypted memory
  3. BOHH ensures that the requestor never accesses the end-point applications
  4. BOHH uniquely utilizes AI within the containers to learn from and then remove fraudulent access 

This process enables our core focus to be on protecting the data itself, so this enables BOHH to protect data no matter where it is being stored, accessed or transacted such as on on-premise databases, cloud platforms, IoT devices, mobile services and more. In future blogs, we will address further how our technology protects data in these different areas.
Data is increasingly a critical part of businesses and consumers’ lives; thus, it’s essential to protect data.  Once trust has been broken, it impacts an organization’s profitability with potential data breach fines, brings reputational risk, and more importantly, user/consumer confidence in the impacted organization.

Despite these known impacts, enterprise security continues to be a major challenge for organizations. BOHH Labs offers a new approach to help minimize business risk and disruption. BOHH’s security platform presents a significant opportunity for enterprise customers to leverage existing infrastructure investments to enhance their security strategy, while being confident that their assets (confidential and customer information) is safe against the imminent threat of attack.

Now that we’ve addressed how BOHH Labs approaches data security, come back next Tuesday, when we will take a deeper dive into how BOHH is putting its security to use with a real-life, IoT scenario.

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