Friday 16 December 2016

Weekly News Roundup

Too busy working all week to keep up with the most interesting stories coming out of the technology and security industries? Below are our recommendations for a round-up of the top stories happening now that you need to know.
Security breach déjà vu for Yahoo. It came out this week that there was another hack on Yahoo in 2013 different from the 2014 hacking of 500 million user accounts. The newly revealed hacking compromised more than 1 billion user accounts. Read more…
A new vulnerability was found in eight of Netgear’s most popular routers that has gone unpatched for months. On Tuesday, the company released beta patches for some of the models but is this enough? Read more…
For the second time this year, regulators didn’t pass Wells Fargo for a key regulatory test that was created after the 2008 financial crisis. Last April, regulators rejected the “living will” plans proposed by five major banks (including Wells Fargo). Wells Fargo is the only one of the five to fail its re-submission for their disaster-preparedness plan. Read more…
The insight on Russia’s involvement in the U.S. elections and its hacking efforts to influence the decision continue to be a hot topic this week. However, what do these events say about the future of government cybercrimes? Read more…
Great overview article on 2016 technology. It was a rough year for consumer technology, but on the bright side, there were some great improvements in several areas including Wi-Fi, encryption and virtual reality. Read more…

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