Friday 23 December 2016

Too busy working all week to keep up with the most interesting stories coming out of the technology and security industries? Below are our recommendations for a round-up of the top stories happening now that you need to know.
  1. New York Rewriting Cybersecurity Rules After Banker Pushback
    New York’s Department of Financial Services is rethinking its controversial cybersecurity regulation just a weeks before it was to take effect. The department will be publishing revised rules on December 28. Read more….
  2. Trump Threaten Electronic Rights, EFF Warns
    Moving into 2017 with a new leader in charge, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is worried that means more surveillance on activities and laws to curtail our electronic rights. As preparation, they are advising the tech sector to use end-to-end encryption for every transaction by default and to scrub logs. Read more…
  3. This Android Malware Ties Russian Intelligence To The DNC Hacks
    New updates in the news surrounding belief of Russian influence in the U.S. presidential elections with mounting evidence. It came out this week that security researchers found a link in the Russian military and the DNC hack though a malware used in an Android app used on Ukraine’s military. Read more…
  4. ‘Alice’ Malware Loots ATMs
    There is malware out that is designed to empty out cash from ATMs named Alice. It appears Alice has been around since October 2014. Researchers are still trying to figure out more about the malware and the extent of its reach. Stay tuned and read more…
  5. Wells Fargo’s Failure to Authenticate Led to Sham Accounts
    More questions are coming up after the fraud scandal at Wells Fargo as points to a bigger problem going on. How were thousands of employees able to open bogus accounts, and in some cases transfer money out of real consumer accounts, all without the consumer being involved? Read more…

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