Tuesday 23 January 2018

BOHH Breakdown Part 19: AI is Booming in Cybersecurity – Let’s Looks at How and Why

In our last post, we talked about the good and bad to come out of the Intel microprocessor security flaws. Today, we are taking a closer look at AI and how it can enhance the cybersecurity industry.

Since its inception more than 50 years ago, much of the conversation associated Artificial Intelligence (AI) was centered on the future of robots and science fiction; however, in recent years AI has been dominating the conversation in the volatile cybersecurity market. AI is becoming so popular as tool to combat cybersecurity in the last couple of years, that it is quickly becoming a standard tool to have in your overall security strategy. But what makes it so great for fighting cybercrime?

Staying ahead of hackers has become increasingly challenging, and the sheer number of beach attempts on a given company daily is unmanageable by humans alone. This is where AI can be helpful by looking for and detecting any network traffic abnormalities. AI uses a compound set of algorithms to detect patterns and predict outcomes from a large amount of data online. As such, the self-learning capabilities and ability to recognize patterns and anomalies within them, makes AI a great tool to detect cybersecurity threats within the network in real time.

This means AI will be influential in helping security teams prioritize important and relevant information among the high volume of data now available to reduce noise and solve attacks more rapidly. It will enable security teams to automate the irregular activity detection process and help reduce/flag breach attempts to a few thousand worthy of human review. 
Another area AI offers great potential is in the cybersecurity workforce. In 2017 there were a lot of conversations surrounding a global shortage of cybersecurity professionals with the specialized skills to address the evolving security challenges faces companies daily. So far, not much progress has been made. AI could be a good method to help address the growing cybersecurity skills gap as some of the areas it can help with include helping automate some of the security tasks like network scanning, as well as help train employees on cybersecurity awareness.

Additionally, security companies are not the only ones noticing the benefits of AI – many hackers are too. It is predicted that 2018 will bring a rise in AI-based attacks from cyberhackers to mimic human behaviors. In order to keep up with these complex and coordinated attacks, there will be an even greater need for companies to invest in their AI cybersecurity tools to meet these new threats head on, making it an important spend in they cybersecurity strategy.

Like many companies, BOHH believes AI capabilities are a great tool to integrate in a cybersecurity strategy and our AI Engine is a core component to our security approach. We use an AI Engine to do threat analysis and to prevent intrusion – it manages ports, interacts with user requests, and maintains a secure connection by identifying and removing any unwanted traffic before it is passed along and gets access to any of the backend applications or databases. 

AI offers great promise in the cybersecurity realm, and it will be exciting to see how the technology continues to develop and impact the industry.

Come back next Tuesday for our breakdown on how to support digital innovations without sacrificing security. 

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