Tuesday 9 January 2018

BOHH Breakdown Part 17: Advice from BOHH for Starting 2018 Right and Tackling Security

It’s the start of a new year and with that comes new goals and resolutions. As cybersecurity continues to be a top concern for companies, it will most certainly be at the top of most companies’ resolution lists. However, staying ahead of the quickly evolving cybersecurity industry has become increasingly challenging, and it’s hard for companies to stay on top of all the threats and solutions they should have in place. Below are several ways BOHH recommends for companies to start 2018 right and help them better tackle their security resolutions.

Finalize your General Data Protection Regulation Plan: 
If this is not in action now or at the top of your list, it is time to get started on this now. Going in to effect later this year in May, companies will need to comply with the GDPR regulations, which applies to all companies that use or process data in the European Union. Since there are a lot of moving parts to ensuring compliance, it is important to take a strategic approach. There are many new changes that companies will be accountable for, so it’s critical to research them properly and have a specific plan for each one. Having your GDPR plan in action and completed by May 2018, will help you avoid fines or penalties imposed on a non-compliant company, as well as stand out as leader in the market committed to security.

Always Implement New Security Patches and Update Old Systems: 
Because software systems are constantly evolving, security updates and patches are commonly released to keep up with software improvements. Often, these patches come with instructions to make the updates, and failure integrate these into your system can lead to vulnerabilities and allow hackers to gain access company and customer data. Unfortunately, as we saw in many data breach instances in 2017, many businesses often ignore patches or updates until they encounter issues. When this happens, it leaves the door open for hackers use malware and other type of attacks to exploit these holes and get into your system. Companies that monitor when new patches and updates are out and implement them immediately will face less risk to breaches than those do not and avoid having to undergo an embarrassing explanation on why they are not up-to-date with the recommended security systems.

Create a Zero Trust Model:
There is no longer any trust in security. It’s clear there are no longer any trusted and an untrusted engagements on our security devices, networks or even users. In 2018, companies need to eliminate the idea of a trusted network and start implementing a zero-trust model approach that views all users and network traffic as untrusted that must be verified and enforce strict access control. 

There’s No One Size Fits All:
When it comes to security, there is no quick fix or a magical solution that will solve all your security woes. Because there are more tactics to get into a company’s network, it’s hard for companies to rely on just one or two solutions to stay protected. The best way to stay on top of all the threats is by having a combination of solutions like patched systems, constant updates, multi-factor authentication, firewalls, encryption, AI-based tools and more. More than ever, it is important to take the time to make sure you have the right security investments in place and not rely on just one or two.

Hopefully these recommendations will be useful to get your 2018 security strategy started right. Come back next Tuesday when we take a closer look back at the latest news on the Intel chip security flaw and what is the good and bad to take from it.

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