Tuesday 10 October 2017

The BOHH Breakdown, Part 6: How BOHH Labs Helps Meet GDPR Requirements

In our last post, we talked about how the ease of implementation when integrating a new cybersecurity tool into your existing infrastructure network can help enhance productivity. Today we will address a situation many companies are facing and trying to beat the clock on: how to comply with GDPR regulations and how BOHH Labs’ security solutions can help organizations successfully address many of the requirements.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the biggest change to European Union (EU) privacy law in over 20 years, and it will have a major impact on how many organizations in the EU and across the globe collect, use, and store personal information about individuals. Although greater data protection is becoming more important than ever, the burden of updating security polices and strategies for organizations to comply with GDPR can be overwhelming and take a considerable amount of time and resources. As the deadline for complete GDPR compliance in May 2018 nears, many companies are scrambling to find solutions and make updates that meet the requirements. 

BOHH Labs’ security solution was built on making data privacy a priority, so we are confident that our security solution will help organizations successfully address GDPR requirements. Our approach to security is to become more dynamic within the existing system and protect data from within. While our security approach focuses on on-premise and Cloud data security, the concept of securing and managing data in certain domains has many parallels with GDPR regulations. 

How we do this?

Unique Encryption
Our approach to security is to encrypt all data in real-time, while still retaining search capabilities, but only providing access to data to authorized parties. Our patented, unique encryption algorithms are proven to secure with no key store or data storage, enabling us to help organizations mitigate data breaches and any associated penalties.

Data Records 
BOHH Labs’ proven security platform helps companies to maintain data records and audit data is available if required (although as part of our data privacy philosophy, we don’t keep historic data today, but it can be stored within an enterprise database).

Infrastructure Agnostic
Our appliance is infrastructure agnostic and is deployed on top of existing systems between the infrastructure, firewalls and transactions with both Cloud and on-premise implementations, so there is automatic backend data protection as data goes in and out of the entire ecosystem. 

Data Masking
GDPR punishes businesses that fail to leverage appropriate protection measures – such as data masking technologies—as a part of their overall security posture. Data masking enables companies to fulfill GDPR requirements to pseudonymize (anonymize) sensitive data that otherwise could directly or even indirectly identify a specific individual.  BOHH’s encryption capability helps companies to protect/mask data from unauthorized users. 

Right to Access
GDPR also introduces the right for data subjects to obtain from the data controller confirmation as to whether personal data concerning them is being processed, where and for what purpose. This means companies must be able to find and produce a copy of an individual’s data quickly among the millions of data they hold. BOHH Labs helps solve this with its patented, secure federated search that enables for one request to perform a simultaneous search across multiple repositories in real-time to return results in under a millisecond. 

As organizations work toward implementing strategies to be compliant with GDPR, BOHH Labs is here to help companies focus on data privacy and provide a simple and quick solution to successfully meet many of the requirements. For more information on how BOHH Labs can help with compliance, reach out to us at info@bohh.io.

Now that we’ve looked at how BOHH Labs’ security solution can help organizations successfully address GDPR requirements, check back in next Tuesday when we will revisit some of the most pressing cybersecurity trends in 2017 we cited at the beginning of the year and track where the industry is at as the end of the year nears. 

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