Tuesday 3 October 2017

The BOHH Breakdown Part 5: Enhancing Productivity with Ease of Implementation

In our last post, we outlined an IoT scenario to highlight how BOHH’s solution can not only fit in to a real-life business operation workflow, but also improve the security, transport and access of data. Today, we will address an area that often gets overlooked in our era of nonstop attacks and breaches - the ease of implementation when integrating a new cyber security tool into your existing infrastructure network.

As cybersecurity continues to be top of mind for organizations and its executives, most of the conversation has surrounded how to keep information safe from threats and hackers and which cybersecurity solution will be used; while these are important aspects to consider, there is often not as much attention given to how cybersecurity products will actually fit in to a company’s network and infrastructure.

It is important to note that when companies are ready to introduce a new security solution or product in to their network, research and pricing estimates need to be considered on the entire network system, not just the product. Some of the questions that need be researched and answered include:

  • Our company has already invested heavily in other solutions, will this make those investments useless?
  • Do I need to overhaul my infrastructure to integrate this new product?
  • Will I need to bring in additional equipment and/or staff to integrate this product?
  • Will this create downtime and pause workflow to put this product into my system? Will that take days? Weeks? Months?
  • Will this new product have legacy issues?

By not addressing these considerations ahead of time, companies are at risk of losing business productivity – both time and money.

At BOHH Labs, we believe that enhanced security should not come at the expense of enterprise productivity. 

As a software and infrastructure agnostic appliance, BOHH’s security solution is easily deployed on top of the existing enterprise system between the infrastructure and firewall to protect data without impacting performance or hindering the core role of the system it defends. Because our solution leverages existing infrastructure investments, we enable companies to maximize ROI, and eliminate overhaul of the infrastructure, overhead in terms of equipment or staff, and downtime to implement or lag time on the disparate underlying system, which reduces disruption to business production and workflow. Additionally, our solution allows companies to rapidly upgrade existing legacy infrastructure to provide secure cloud services without loss of security, access or speed as there is no need for data migration.

In fact, once the application is implemented, there is no other work needed to keep it running and protecting your data or future upgrades. This means zero compromise to 

By ensuring easy implementation of our solution, we help reduce both direct and indirect costs resulting from business disruption, as well as financial loss due to downtime or disruption to customer accessibility and experience.  Additionally depending on the security solution deployed we can help meet Regulatory Compliance such as elements of GDPR.

Now that we’ve taken a deeper dive into how BOHH’s solution can seamlessly fit in to existing infrastructures enabling businesses to enhance productivity and maximize ROI, come back next Tuesday to address a situation a majority of companies are facing: how to comply with GDPR regulations and integrate news tools to meet the data security requirements. We will address how BOHH Labs’ security solution can help organizations successfully address GDPR requirements.

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