Tuesday 6 March 2018

Mastering Digital Transformation with BOHH Labs For Simple, Secure Data Access

- Alan Jamieson, BOHH VP of Business Development

Today, data security and the ease of data access for customers and employees is at the forefront of enterprises minds, including which solutions to deploy and where they should fit in to the company and product roadmap design. However, one critical piece to mastering digital transformation is ensuring that there is a secure data platform behind the transformation, which is becoming vital in our increasingly regulated world. Plus, add to the fact that once data loss has occurred, customer ‘trust’ is broken and can impact business moving forward.

At BOHH, our philosophy is data privacy and securing applications without restricting data access. We believe it is critical to support customers and employees alike without sacrificing productivity for security or vice versa.  Coming from a secure federated search background, BOHH knows being unable to quickly and easily find information can result in the loss of customers and wasted employee time.  Now, we combine that with BOHH’s secure application gateway (often classified within the CASB domain) to ensure data is secure, plus accessible in encrypted and unencrypted format using keyboard and voice requests.

In order to provide a secure and enterprise solution, our gateway is built using our own technologies, including: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP), chatbots, etc. to prevent the bad guys (unwanted intruders) from accessing corporate access.  Put simply, we prevent squatters from accessing your property to steal customer data, pricing information, intellectual property (IP), etc. Once they are inside, the damage is done, so prevention of unauthorized access is paramount.

Our security gateway is vendor agnostic, so it can support Cloud (public or private) or on prem deployments.

While we put a lot of focus on securing data, we also help users get simple access to their data using type-and-text keyboards or the increasingly popular voice-activated requests such as bots or Robotic Process Automation (RPA) capabilities. The use of mobiles, computers, tablets etc. is constantly changing, and the younger generation has become accustomed to using these tools to ask for data/information to complete their tasks, while the older generation is still more traditional and keyboard-centric. Additionally, the customers are embracing more of these innovations, especially voice-activated home devices to ask for information, place orders etc. As such, a solution is needed to secure these transactions, and more importantly, enable access to all enterprise systems to quickly find the answer to asked questions. 

This is where BOHH’s unique capabilities come in to help enterprises securely master digital transformation and seamless access to data:

Our AI engine is used to manage various components within our gateway such as dynamic ports, Denial of Service attacks, our keyless AES 256 encryption, entity mappings, and security attacks.

Our NLP engine has been designed to think as we humans do. We break down questions into contact and entities, which we then search within across the data platform. We access the answer, we use a probability engine and process additions (i.e. weight in Kg’s not stone) to deliver the most relevant answer to the question.  BOHH’s NLP enables data assets to be securely and quickly searched, as we find answers from within data assets and avoid the need to build an answers/Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database. This significantly reduces the time to deploy a voice-activated front end on to a RPA or chatbot application.

Our Block Ledger database is designed to support the increasing world of Internet of Things (IoT), especially the ability to access or isolate a specific robot in a manufacturing plant if an intrusion attack occurs.

In summary, BOHH’s security application gateway provides greater security and data access capabilities to existing technologies and offers enhanced and complementary capabilities to support the enterprise goal of secure data, but with easy data access. After all, what good is data if it can’t be accessed?

For more information, please go to www.bohh.io

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