Friday 16 February 2018

Weekly News Roundup

Too busy working all week to keep up with the most interesting stories coming out of the technology and security industries? Below are our recommendations for a roundup of the top stories happening now that you need to know.

Equifax breach worsens, additional consumer data exposed

The Equifax breach compromised even more consumer data, including tax identification numbers, than originally reported. But the credit rating agency didn't disclose the update. Read more…

FedEx customer information exposed in data breach

An unsecured FedEx server was breached, exposing thousands of customers' personal information, a prominent security research firm discovered earlier this month. An unsecured Amazon S3 server was holding more than 100,000 scanned documents including passports, drivers licenses, and security IDs. Read more…

Criminals Hide 'Billions' in Cryptocurrency, Europol Warns

The value of a bitcoin has fallen from a high of around $20,000 last December, hovering on Thursday around the $10,000 mark. But despite bitcoin's volatility, cryptocurrencies remain a valuable tool for money laundering, law enforcement agencies warn. Read more…

Banks preparing for heightened New York cybersecurity laws to take effect

This week, senior executives from more than 3,000 banks, insurers and other financial services companies doing business in New York will have to personally certify that their computer networks are protected by a cybersecurity program appropriate for their organization’s risk profile. Read more…

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