Tuesday 19 December 2017

The BOHH Breakdown, Part 16: A Year in Review

In our last post, we shared tips on how to address cybersecurity with your board of directors. Today, we will wrap up the year with an overview on BOHH’s activity in 2017.

BOHH Labs entered the market this year and what a great year it has been. We received some excellent media attention this year and built some great media relationships. We also hit the ground running with industry networking events, speaking and attending at 10 events including SAP Teched Las Vegas, Oracle Open World and an IBM Watson Summit.

BOHH Labs also kicked off its first year in business being recognized as a winner of the Google/SAP Intelligent App Challenge. This was the inaugural year for the challenge, and BOHH Labs was selected as innovative solution winner among hundreds of global entrants for its submission including the use of SAP HANA Express Edition, Google Cloud Platform, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and encryption to address the security of data transport and access for Cloud and Internet of Things (IoT) streamline workflows.

While BOHH Labs has been off to a great start in 2017, unfortunately the same can’t be said for the state of the cybersecurity industry. The number of attacks, methods to carry them out, and the number of people affected by breaches continues to rise. However, BOHH Labs remains committed to tackling the cybersecurity industry and delivering a new approach that will help keep data protected that the traditional security methods are no longer able to provide. We predict 2018 will continue to be a challenging year for the cybersecurity industry, but we are ready to tackle that challenge head on.

At the closing of a great first year, we are excited with the progress made in 2017 and we look forward to seeing what 2018 holds in store.

We have enjoyed sharing some of our thoughts with you over the past several months through the BOHH Breakdown blogs and we are eager to get started again in 2018.

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