Friday 20 October 2017

Weekly News Roundup

Too busy working all week to keep up with the most interesting stories coming out of the technology and security industries? Below are our recommendations for a roundup of the top stories happening now that you need to know.

Microsoft never disclosed 2013 hack of secret vulnerability database

Hackers broke into Microsoft's secret, internal bug-tracking database and stole information related to vulnerabilities that were exploited in later attacks. But the software developer never disclosed the breach, Reuters reported, citing former company employees. Read more…

Severe weakness in Wi-Fi security gives hackers wide access to eavesdrop

Nearly everyone using Wi-Fi is being urged to patch their devices as a new widespread vulnerability to virtually all modern protected Wi-Fi networks leaves a huge swath of internet traffic potentially open for eavesdropping. Read more…

Ransomware: Security researchers spot emerging new strain of malware

A new form of ransom is being distributed via the same method as one of the most successful families of file-locking malware, and may represent a new evolution of the menace. Read more…

Phishing campaigns used victim's location to determine whether to deliver Locky or Trickbot

Researchers recently detected two email-based phishing campaigns that infected users with either Locky ransomware or the Trickbot banking trojan based on the victim's geographical location – a technique that the company claims is rather uncommon. Read more…

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