Friday 4 August 2017

Weekly News Roundup

Too busy working all week to keep up with the most interesting stories coming out of the technology and security industries? Below are our recommendations for a roundup of the top stories happening now that you need to know.

WannaCry ransomware: Hackers behind global cyberattack finally cash out bitcoin windfall

Almost three months on from the WannaCry ransomware outbreak, those behind the global cyberattack have finally cashed out their ransom payments. Read more…

Senate bill demands tougher security for the Internet of Things

A bipartisan team of US senators wants to reduce the chances of ever happening. They're introducing a bill, the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act, that mandates a base level of security standards for any IoT gadgets used in government. Read more…

HBO hacked: Games of Thrones spoilers and other episodes leaked

HBO confirmed the attack but didn’t say what was stolen. However, the hackers say they have spoilers for the next Game of Thrones episode, plus unreleased episodes for other shows. Read more…

Hackers Exploit Voting Machine Vulnerabilities at DefCon

Last week’s DefCon 25 hacking conference in Las Vegas showcased a Voting Village that gave attendees the opportunity to attempt to exploit weaknesses in voting machine designs. Read more…

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