Tuesday 29 August 2017

Introducing the BOHH Breakdown

We are excited to introduce a weekly, multi-part blog series called the BOHH Breakdown focused on all things security. From on-prem, cloud and mobile security needs to IoT and emerging technologies, this series will offer a security breakdown on the topic of the week and offer insight on how BOHH Labs helps improve your security strategy. 

Each Tuesday we will post a new blog in the series and we look forward to your thoughts.

Keep a lookout for the first installment of the BOHH Breakdown next week on Tuesday, September 5th, as we take a look at the industry approach to security and how we can get closer to a “cure” for hacks.

Friday 25 August 2017

Weekly NewsRoundup

Too busy working all week to keep up with the most interesting stories coming out of the technology and security industries? Below are our recommendations for a roundup of the top stories happening now that you need to know.

Cryptocurrency cyber crime has skyrocketed alongside the popularity of ICOs

Almost 10% of all the money invested in initial coin offerings (ICOs) this year using cryptocurrency Ethereum has fallen into the hands of thieves. Read more…

Barclays enables voice payments with Siri

Barclays says it’s the first UK high street bank that lets mobile banking customers make a payment by asking Siri. The payment, which relies on TouchID for authentication, can be completed without opening the Barclays mobile banking app. Read more…

Ransomworms on the rise: yet another wake up call for the enterprise

90 percent of enterprises still recording exploits for vulnerabilities that are more than three years old, and 60 percent for vulnerabilities more than ten years old says Fortinet report, with twice as many attacks at weekends. Read more…

Popular Robots are Dangerously Easy to Hack, Cybersecurity Firm Says

Some of the most popular industrial and consumer robots are dangerously easy to hack and could be turned into bugging devices or weapons. Read more…

Friday 18 August 2017

Weekly News Roundup

Too busy working all week to keep up with the most interesting stories coming out of the technology and security industries? Below are our recommendations for a roundup of the top stories happening now that you need to know.

Gartner: Cybersecurity Spending Worldwide to Hit $86.4 Billion This Year

The global information security market for 2017 will grow by 7% over last year with spending to reach $86.4 billion, according to a new forecast by Gartner. Read more…

Uber reaches deal with FTC on consumer privacy, agrees to new program

Ridesharing behemoth Uber agreed Tuesday to institute “a culture of privacy” in how it handles personal information from its passengers and drivers, following a Federal Trade Commission investigation that revealed the company misrepresented its internal data access policies and failed to take reasonable security measures to safeguard data in the cloud. Read more…

Maersk Previews NotPetya Impact: Up to $300 Million

Danish shipping giant A.P. Møller - Maersk faces a loss of up to $300 million as a result of the NotPetya global malware outbreak. Read more…

Seven Accused in $5M Insider Trading Scheme

The SEC says the scheme revolved around an IT consultant who had access to a computer system that BofA used to track investment banking deals. Read more…

Friday 11 August 2017

Weekly News Roundup

Too busy working all week to keep up with the most interesting stories coming out of the technology and security industries? Below are our recommendations for a roundup of the top stories happening now that you need to know.

Oracle Offers API to Link Banks to Fintechs
Oracle Corp. is offering a payments application programming interface based on the ISO 20022 standard that will allow banks to more easily collaborate with fintechs and other third parties. Read more…

UK data protection laws to be overhauled

Britons could obtain more control over what happens to personal information under proposals outlined by the government. Citizens will be able to ask for personal data, or information posted when they were children, to be deleted. Read more…

HBO Data Dumped, Hackers Demand Millions

Attackers who reportedly stole 1.5TB of data from HBO release a second data dump and demand millions in ransom. Hackers behind the recent HBO data breach have dumped a second collection of stolen files and demanded millions in ransom. Read more…

UK calls for smart car cyber protection

A new generation of internet-connected cars will have to be better protected from cyber attackers, under tough new UK government guidance. Read more…

Thursday 10 August 2017

The Impact GDPR Compliance Will Have Across the Entire Business Ecosystem

Insight on GDPR from BOHH's Becca Bauer

There is now less than a year for organizations collecting, using or working with anyone that handles data regarding citizens in the EU to get their policies in place to comply with the mandated General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that go into effect in May 2018.

Although greater data protection is becoming more important than ever as our economies become digitized and the potential for breaches have become a daily norm, the burden of updating security polices and strategies for organizations to comply with GDPR can be overwhelming and take a considerable amount of time and resources. As companies scramble to integrate GDPR-compliant solutions in to its data protection and collection strategy, it is likely to have some profound impacts on how the entire business operates. Below are three ways some of the key changes mandated by GDPR will make an impact on organizations’ entire ecosystem.

Reputation Damage and Strict Penalties

It is no secret that data breaches often bring negative press and a lack of trust among consumers, and while some of these breaches result in settlements, most until now have not had financial penalties. One of the major impacts GDPR will have on organizations is the pressure of strict fines if companies are found to be in breach of GDPR or do not follow the proper procedures following the event of a breach. According to the EU GDPR site (http://www.eugdpr.org), the new regulations have fines of up to 4% of annual global turnover or €20 million, which is enough to not only financially hurt a company, but will also draw attention to them in public for being in defiance of the law and a standard set of security and privacy regulations that organizations must comply with to ensure an individual’s data is protected.

Approach to Data/Technology Management
Much of GDPR centers around how companies are collecting, storing and using individual’s information. Under GDPR, companies must offer individuals, whose data they hold, to the right to be notified if a data breach exposes their information, the right to access their own personal data when they request it, the right to be forgotten, and the right to data portability. These new regulations will have a major impact on the strategies companies use to protect data privacy. This means organizations need to build more flexible architectures that will easily allow them to incorporate innovative technologies and security solutions that meet these new requirements. However, this can quickly become expensive and complex with updates such as legacy to cloud infrastructure overhauls and the addition of at least one or more products to enhance data protection.

Not only does this bring increased costs to how the data privacy strategies work, but it also brings in to question the management of these processes. Collaboration will be crucial when updating these policies. There needs to be coordination among the different departments in the organization from the various IT teams handling how data comes in and out of the company to the marketing department who collects data for analytics purposes. Cross collaboration will be key in ensuring the whole company is complying with GDPR, but it will most likely lead to a costly, complex strategy to update the data management across the whole company ecosystem, as well as a cultural shift in how your employees approach working with data and working and sharing data with other departments.

New Leader on Your Security Team

For companies who operate on a large scale, it will become mandatory to add a new leader to your security team: appointment of a Data Protection Officer. This new team member will have to be an expert on data protection practices, as well as be provided with all the necessary resources to comply with GDPR and maintain their knowledge on the industry. This equates to increased costs to the business with a new salary for an expert senior team member, as well as new technologies and resources needed for the DPO to carry out their job.

As organizations work toward implementing strategies to be compliant with GDPR, it is important they take in to account the implications all these changes will have organization-wide. With the need for increased budgets, personnel and technologies, the effort to become GDPR compliant must take in consideration the impact will have on the whole ecosystem and the amount of time and resources needed.

Friday 4 August 2017

Weekly News Roundup

Too busy working all week to keep up with the most interesting stories coming out of the technology and security industries? Below are our recommendations for a roundup of the top stories happening now that you need to know.

WannaCry ransomware: Hackers behind global cyberattack finally cash out bitcoin windfall

Almost three months on from the WannaCry ransomware outbreak, those behind the global cyberattack have finally cashed out their ransom payments. Read more…

Senate bill demands tougher security for the Internet of Things

A bipartisan team of US senators wants to reduce the chances of ever happening. They're introducing a bill, the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act, that mandates a base level of security standards for any IoT gadgets used in government. Read more…

HBO hacked: Games of Thrones spoilers and other episodes leaked

HBO confirmed the attack but didn’t say what was stolen. However, the hackers say they have spoilers for the next Game of Thrones episode, plus unreleased episodes for other shows. Read more…

Hackers Exploit Voting Machine Vulnerabilities at DefCon

Last week’s DefCon 25 hacking conference in Las Vegas showcased a Voting Village that gave attendees the opportunity to attempt to exploit weaknesses in voting machine designs. Read more…