Friday 7 July 2017

Weekly News Roundup

Too busy working all week to keep up with the most interesting stories coming out of the technology and security industries? Below are our recommendations for a roundup of the top stories happening now that you need to know.

Breached Bitcoin Bithumb bosses blame bod's BYOD

South Korean cyber-cops are probing a hacking attack on Bithumb, one of the world's biggest Bitcoin exchanges. Miscreants were able to get hold of personal information of roughly 32,000 Bithumb users, or three per cent of the exchange's user base. Read more…

CopyCat Android malware infected 14 million devices, rooted 8 million last year

CopyCat Android mobile malware was able to infect over 14 million devices last year and root eight million of them, researchers have revealed. Read more…

'NotPetya' Hackers Demand $256,000 In Bitcoin To Cure Ransomware Victims

It looks like the hackers responsible for the massive ransomware outbreak that crippled Ukraine last week and infected some of the world's biggest industrial companies, from Maersk to Merck, are posting messages demanding more Bitcoin to unlock victims' files. They're after 100 Bitcoin, currently worth an astonishing $256,000. Read more…

Kaspersky offers to turn over source code to U.S. government

Kaspersky said the U.S. government can audit its source code, a move meant to prove Kaspersky Lab is not in bed with the Russian government. Read more…

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