Friday 21 April 2017

Weekly News Roundup

Too busy working all week to keep up with the most interesting stories coming out of the technology and security industries? Below are our recommendations for a roundup of the top stories happening now that you need to know.

1. Hacker Documents Show NSA Tools for Breaching Global Money Transfer System

The Shadow Brokers released documents and files indicating NSA had accessed the SWIFT money-transfer system through service providers in the Middle East and Latin America. Read more…

2. Over 1,000 Intercontinental hotels hit by a data breach

The Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG) thought only a handful of Holiday Inns were affected by a data breach that happened last year, but it turned out to be a much bigger deal. Read more…

3. Half of all UK businesses experienced a cyberattack in the last year

Some 46% of all UK businesses identified at least one cybersecurity breach or attack in the past year, according to a new report from the UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport. That number rises to 66% among medium-sized firms, and 68% among large firms, the report found. Read more…

4. Millions of game accounts exposed in data breach, responsibility thrown to the wind

In yet another example of a data breach, eyes have recently turned to a fashion gaming website which appears to have either ignored or is completely unaware of compromise. Read more…

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