Thursday 9 March 2017

Weekly News Roundup

Too busy working all week to keep up with the most interesting stories coming out of the technology and security industries? Below are our recommendations for a roundup of the top stories happening now that you need to know.

1. WikiLeaks reveals the CIA hacked into Apple iPhones, Google Android phones and Samsung TVs

All the buzz this week is about how WikiLeaks released over 8,000 pages of documents detailing numerous CIA programs that appear to undermine encryption in iPhones, Google’s Android phones, Samsung smart TVs and other connected devices. Read more…

2. Researchers Find Multiple Critical Flaws In Confide Secure Messaging App

An app that is supposed to be used for secret communications by political operatives in DC was found to have several security flaws. The app says they have all been fixed now. Read more…

3. Latest Executive Order Draft Promotes Risk-Based Approach

The latest version of the draft of a cybersecurity executive order from the White House would direct the federal government to take a risk-based approach to IT security and hold cabinet secretaries and agency heads responsible for the security of their organizations' IT assets. Read more…

4. Fears of election hacking spread in Europe

The U.S. may not be the only one to face cybersecurity concerns in relation to national elections. France has followed the Netherlands in placing its faith in paper-based voting systems ahead of key elections later this year, following allegations that Russian hackers influenced last year's U.S. presidential election. Read more…

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