Tuesday 21 November 2017

The BOHH Breakdown, Part 12: Giving Thanks to Our Favorite Security Techniques

In our last post, we talked about some of the most famous corporate data breaches and how BOHH could have prevented them. This week, in honor of Thanksgiving, we are looking at some of the best security techniques being used to keep our data protected and giving thanks.


This is hardly a new strategy for keeping our data protected, but it is has become a standard protocol in today’s security measures. The core foundation of encryption focuses on converting information or data into a form unreadable by anyone except the intended recipient. While encryption itself does not prevent hackers from getting access to data, it does make it unreadable to those who intercept it. At BOHH, we believe the parties at the two ends of a data message – the sender and requester – should be the only ones who have access to that data message. We use a keyless encryption algorithm from end-to-end to ensure all data – both at rest and in transit – stays protected, without any possibility of decrypting it, even at the sever level.

Artificial Intelligence

Though popular culture used to associate Artificial Intelligence (AI) with robots and science fiction, it is on the rise as a technology influencing a variety of sectors, including the cybersecurity industry. Staying ahead of hackers has become increasingly challenging. As such, the self-learning capabilities and ability to recognize patterns and anomalies within them, makes AI a great tool to detect threats. At BOHH, our AI Engine is a core component to our security approach. We use an AI Engine to do threat analysis and to prevent intrusion – it manages ports, interacts with user requests, and maintains a secure connection by identifying and removing any unwanted traffic before it is passed along and gets access to any of the backend applications or databases. 


Firewalls have been around for a while and are often overlooked as a part of a security strategy, but they are a useful tool to help thwart attacks from external bad actors. Much like its name describes, firewalls are used to keep networks protected and act as a first line of defense of all data traffic that passes in and out of the network. Based on pre-set rules and security requirements set by a company, firewalls examine incoming traffic against those pre-set rules and blocks unauthorized attempts trying to get in. Firewalls continue to be one of the most popular tools in the IT industry and continue to evolve over time as more sophisticated security challenges and attacks develop. At BOHH, we work in conjunction with a firewall system. The BOHH security platform sits on top of the firewall and enables full encryption inside the firewall for added security to keep data protected.

Multi-Factor Authentication 

As technology advances and hackers’ attacks evolve and become more sophisticated to take advantage of these advancements, using only a single authentication system, like a password is no longer enough. This is where multi-factor authentication comes in. The goal is to add multiple layers of security to make it more difficult for unauthorized users to take over an account. Multi-Factor Authentication is a great technique because if one factor is compromised, an attacker still has one or two other barriers to get through before successfully breaking into the target. There are many different methods to do Multi-Factor Authentication such as password followed by text, email, pin number confirmation, or even biometric authentication (voice, fingerprint, etc.) which is gaining popularity as technology advances. At BOHH, we employ multi-factor authentication via voice authentication, fingerprint or sending code confirmation messages to your mobile phone or email for verification.

Each of these technologies have a critical place in companies’ security strategy; however, each of these are just on piece of the whole puzzle and should not be the only tool used to combat security threats. For security to keep pace with the evolving and complex attacks in today’s complex environment, there must be a more holistic approach when securing data by combining the various security solutions available. 

Now that we’ve highlighted some of the security techniques we are thankful for, come back next Tuesday when we will share some of our predictions for what lie ahead in 2018.

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